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Business Talk 24-7

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Joanne Hayes is the Publisher and Founder of Simply Buckhead Magazine, launched in 2010.  With more than 18 years in the industry, she worked for Journal Register Company (owners of 377 weeklies and dailies across the country), for 12 years as their top-performing Account Executive, then as Marketing Director for SO RI Magazine, launched in 2007 at Providence Media, for 3 years, before moving to Atlanta from her native Rhode Island.  Starting the journey from scratch, she spent 8 months in early 2010 researching and educating herself on the Atlanta media landscape before launching.  As the fastest-growing publication in Atlanta, she is very excited to collaborate with many local businesses and Buckhead and Brookhaven residents, bringing to the readers unique stories that continue to keep them seeking us out.


Joanne’s specialty is building long-term relationships, educating clients, and helping businesses grow through advertising and editorial opportunities.  She has extensive experience working collaboratively with production, editorial, and advertising agencies.